Hotel Trader.
If you had the opportunity to create a distribution solution using the latest technology, how would you do it?
Would you choose to connect companies using a multi-level system of disjointed legacy technology, with no transparency… or, would you create a single, transparent connection, directly from the source to the shelf where the transaction takes place?
We agree, and that’s exactly what we built.
Hotel Trader started with a simple question,
“if there were no technology constraints, how would buying and selling hotel rooms work?”.
This led us down the path of re-architecting distribution to provide efficient, automated and transparent connectivity between hotels and travel sellers around the world. Your choices are no longer limited by a lack of resources, a lack of technology or a lack of exposure.
We create new connections and partnerships every day. Innovation is at the heart of the Hotel Trader team and we pride ourselves on pushing boundaries and leading the charge towards a frictionless future!
Visit our incredible team members across the world!